19 November 2018

John Brown

John Brown. He was born in abt 1844 in Middle Smithfield Township, his parents Lewis (1790-1879) born in Germany and his mother Lydia Ace Michaels Brown (1806-1857). Johns family were farmers and an interesting fact my husband’s 2nd cousin 4x removed. I’m not even going to try to figure that one out. When Lydia dies the family splits up and John lives with Daniel & Mercy Brown. I don’t know if they are related to John or not. He moves south and on 6 Sept 1864 he enlist in Co. E 203rd Reg which were from the city of Philadelphia, and from the counties of Lycoming, Lancaster, Chester, and Delaware, Pa. His company engages in a battle at Ft. Fisher, N.C. on 15 Jan 1865 and he is wounded in the left thigh. He is transported to Mc. Dougal General Hospital, N.Y. (MacDougall Hospital was a U.S. Army military hospital located at Fort Schuyler in New York City before and during the American Civil War.It had a capacity of 2000 beds. In October 1863, the hospital was "to be removed without delay"; it was one of the oldest of the U.S. Military Hospitals. During the Civil War, about 16% of its patients were lost by desertion and failure to return from furlough. In the fall of 1864, the hospital housed 1600 patients)
John died of his wound on 30 Jan 1865 and is buried with his family at the Coolbaugh Cemetery or the Middle Smithfield Presbyterian Cemetery. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=cr&CRid=2186640
More on the 203rd from Rootsweb: http://www.pa-roots.com/pacw/infantry/203rd/203dorg.html

I have seen is research a John Brown the tanner, not sure if this is the same john or not.

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