19 November 2018

Henry Courtright

Henry Cornelissen, Hendrik Kortregt, Cortright (Henry Courtright); Henry born on 29 March 1703 in Ulster Co.,N.Y. was the son of Cornelius Kortreck (1680-1745) and Christina Rosekrans Kortrect (1667-1745) he was a farmer according to the Pa. Tax records for 1768-1801. His family has a number of variants for their surname. The family origins where probably Holland. There is a lot out there on this family, and most of the local families can be traced to this family line. I spent a lot of time reading about them. Sorry to say and surprised I am not related to them. I could probably dig up some distant relation because they do seem to be related to everyone. John Howard Abbott; The Courtright Family very interesting read, The Michael Shoemaker Book had a section on Henry and his wife  Find a grave has his marriage record listed http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=84146003 he married 6 November 1724 to Jannetien Ennes d/o William Ennes Sr. & Cornelia Vier-Vant Ennes. They had children, Cornelius 1725-1752, Catrina 1727-?, Daniel 1729-1788, Benjamin 1731-1780, Johannes 1736-1772, William Ennes b: about 1739, Abraham b: abt 1741-1787,Janneke b. about 1745, Jacobus (James) b: about 1746, Abram b: abt 1747. Cornelia b: about 1749. He is buried in the Brodhead/Courtright Farm Burial Grounds. This cemetery along 209 in Wheat Plains is in Pike County Pa. and with-in the boarders of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation area. His stone reading;

Henry Courtrig
rt dyed April 15
Let me give you all something to think about, yes the stone carver continues his name to the second row. This NEEDS TO BE PERSERVED!!! It is a hand carved, still readable, still standing grave marker and by my calculation is probably the oldest in Pike County. YES, the oldest! We have seen what happens to park service cemeteries. Yes, I get it, no money blah, dead people not important blah, house falling down blah blah. There is a group …The Brodhead Family group, not sure if that’s the name. If any of you are reading this. I have seen plans you have for the Brodhead house ect.. they are awesome. Not sure if they have plans for the cemetery, but would you PLEASE consider Henry in your planning. I know he is outside the fence. His family like yours has a long and amazing history. Remembering Henry, pioneer, father, husband & farmer. Here is a link to some other photos of the cemetery. https://goo.gl/photos/qRkhWJjxBUgcRmNs5

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