28 September 2021

Kentucky Veterans Cemetery Northeast


September 2021

     I have been tardy with the post…I have been traveling around the USA for about a month now. Seeing things and experiencing things day by day. I can’t even put it in words how blessed and grateful I am for the ability to go and share… all of it sigh.. Our country is an amazing place!!

     I was camping at a KOA in Argillite, Kentucky and I could hear bells, as in a bell tower. I did not think much of it until I pulled out of the campground and there was the Kentucky Veterans Cemetery Northeast, Argillite, Greenup Co., Kentucky. See Pictures here https://photos.app.goo.gl/aLPWm97mKRSs1Vgx5

The cemetery is pristine, maintained beyond perfection, I took some time and walked around. My research shows that Kentucky has five veteran cemeteries. The first opened in 2004. The total interments 12, 357. Giving so much for our country, a beautiful resting place honoring them in death.








07 September 2021

Rhoda Shoemaker Sept 2021

 September 2021

Metrotrails posted this week that they confirmed that Hialeah Picnic Area is in fact built on a cemetery, Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Pa. We uncovered this epitaph near the south end of the grounds, and more inspection revealed what might have been 4 more graves, with the same recessed epitaphs embedded in other rock. There was also some evidence of what might have been cemetery delineation.
Hialeah Park is located in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, near Shawnee On Delaware, Pa. This is the Pa. side of the Delaware River.
The other stones had no legible markings, but this grave of a 5-year-old girl named Rhoda, who died in 1833, was quite clear.

I wrote a follow us to their post: Michelle Harrison
I've done Cemetery research in that area in Smithfield and Middle Smithfield Township for years, a matter of fact I wrote the book. This is a find that is not documented anywhere. The burial ground isn't even on the tocks Island damn survey. Hialeah picnic area originally was a small development of homes.

It is on an official internal use-only map of the national park service done in the 1990s. That is the only reference to it I have found.

I took a walk over to Hialeah this am to take a look. It does not look to me like there are any other graves most of the ruble could be from steps and house or ever a fence around the stone. I do find it interesting the Rhoda stone is set in concrete. Think of it standing upright and then at some point falling and it has concrete around it. Was the concrete poured first then the stone pushed over into it, that seems more likely? The trees in the area of the stone are not old. The best view from a river house is the riverfront. I wonder if the stone was under a porch. The family home was across River Road. Usually, a family cemetery or I should say burial ground on family property becomes one because the land is not usable to the farmer. Rhoda family at that time lived in New Jersey. She died in February in the Northeast, The ground was frozen, it could have been the only spot that wasnt.
Let me tell you a little bit about Rhoda Shoemaker and her kin.. Rhoda was born about 1828- probably in N.J. she died17 Feb 1833 d/o Samuel 1791-Jan 1872 and Margaret Chambers Shoemaker. Rhoda is an unusual name, I thought family name and I found Samuels, mother. Rhoda Shoemaker (1) is buried in Calno Cemetery, Warren co., NJ. Worth a mention, I have been to Calno Cemetery a number of times. IT is a mess!!! Samuel and Margret lived in Pahaquarry, Warren Co., NJ. In 1830 he can be found on Census records for N.J. Samuels will was probated in New Jersey in 1872. There other children: Maryann 1820, Henry 1822, Moses, and Blandena 1830 were all baptized in the Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church (NY G& B pg 79, 81, 87). So how did Rhoda get buried in Pa.? It was not unusual for a family to travel back a forth across the river.
Hialeah Park was owned by the developer Frank LaBar (1884-1970). A private 18 house residential community, lived in year-round homes. The land which became Hialeah Park was part of the prominent Col. John Chamber (1740-1810) plantation of 342.5 acres. I find John in early tax records for Lower Smithfield Township, Northampton Co., Pa as early as1772. John Chambers was Margaret Chambers Shoemakers Father see will ( Chambers Pg 366 1809 NOH Vol-4-5) Number 949
The last owner of the lot where Rhoda is buried was American Land Company; a private home on the property. The original owner reported as A. J. Zabriskie this tract is where Rhoda Shoemaker is resting no other graves are reported.
The Newcomb house and property which is still standing and located along River Road was the dwelling of John Chambers. A portion of the house date back to 1768. The original deed states as follows: This Indenture made the first day of June in the right year in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, ect., and in the year of our Lord Christ on thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight between Abraham J. Vanaken of the Township of Montague in the County of Sussex and province of New Jersey of one part and John Chambers of the Township of Smithfield in the county of Northampton and the province of Pennsylvania of the second part ect…

John Chambers passed the farm on to his son, Moses Rigg Chambers, and his wife Elizabeth Bush Chambers. The farm went on to in law John V. Bush by 1860. The farm was sold to the U.S. government in 1990.

George Hawkins 3 May 2022

  Extremely unusual.... stone in the Mount Moriah Cemetery, note the broken saber and neckcloth of George W Hawkins lieutenant colonel is t...